Monday, July 14, 2014

Why We Play

To my dear friend who asked the question,

Here is the answer. From the girls' perspectives.....

Why We Play Travel Softball
Top 10 Reasons

10) Because nothing LOOKS better than a perfectly executed defensive play.

9) Because nothing SOUNDS better than the bat hitting the ball in that very sweet spot!

8) Because we get to play in dirt.  (we slide in it, we scoop it, we dive in it, and we kick it)

7) Because it’s the only sport where it’s perfectly fine to start singing and cheering and dancing for your team, even though the song may have nothing to do with getting a hit or softball or anything related to any sport. For example, you may hear this coming from any random dugout, “Can you break it down like Michael Jackson? Shake your booty like Britanny Spears? Wave your hands like Salt-n-Peppa? I don’t think so”

6) Because we have fans. Actual fans.  They even buy fan wear with our names and numbers on the back and cheer wildly for us.  (Ok so maybe we only have a few and they are usually our relatives but still…..)
(By the way, aren’t we entitled to some sort of kickback on the profit from those shirts? We will be asking about that later.)

5) Because we get to have a picnic with our besties every weekend.

4) Because in between games, we just want to play.  Play more softball.

3) Because when our coach tells us that we really have to take a break and "No More Softball!", we play dodge ball in the batting cages.  

          Or Dance.

2) Because win or lose, we know how good it feels to give our best and contribute to the greater good of our team.

And the Number 1 reason that we play is……….

Well, it gives our crazy parents something to do. 
As we say, “keeps those kids off the streets.”  
*by schlepping us back and forth to practice and lessons,
*by cheering us on at tournaments,
*by working the snack shack,
*by driving us all over to the various sporting goods store for one more piece of gear,
*by filling and cleaning and refilling the cooler,
*by packing and unpacking the car with all the crap,
*by selling the t-shirts……..
Simply stated, it gives our parents something productive to do. 
We are pretty sure our parents would be bored if we didn’t play.